
Following steps must be taken to set up the WinCC OA mobile UI apps inside your project:

  1. Create a new project (optional; you can also use an existing project)
  2. Add a Panel Topology to your project (optional; the starting panel can also be defined with the config entry [webClient] mobileRootPanel)
  3. Add a new Control Manager to your project which starts the webclient_http.ctl (see Desktop UI)
  4. Set any required config entries (see [webClient]; optional)
  5. Start your project and the new Control Manager
  6. Connect your device to the project (see Client Side Configuration)
  7. Unlock your device inside of the Device Management panel
Note: If no DNS server is available the config entry [all sections] noReverseLookup = 1 must be used. Furthermore, IP addresses must be used instead of host names for the data and event config entries.
Tip: To increase the overall performance it is recommended to enable the message compression in your project.
Note: By default only the HTTPS port can be used for the mobile UI. To also use the unencrypted HTTP port the config entry [httpServer] strictTransportSecurityMaxAge must be set to 0.