Close childpanel
This function in the ScriptWizard enables closing a childpanel.

The following paragraphs list all fields and options of the function "close childpanel" and explain how to use them.
There are 2 action options:
Close => Close a childpanel
Apply => Close a childpanel and stop the Callback-Function (for the ultralight client)
In the drop-down list are all available functions. These functions can be used as the callback function called when the child panel is used to return values or to call additional functions or animations.
Define function parameters
You can define parameters which are passed on to the callback function. These parameters can be used for passing values or to cause different behavior of the callback function.
For more information about the function "close childpanel" please refer to the WinCC OA 3.11 online help by clicking on the push button "Help".
Click on the push button "Apply" and a childpanel is closed. The entered values are then applied to the current function.
Click on the push button "Cancel" and this function is rejected. A new function can be then selected.