Get shape property
This function "get shape property" makes it possible to read the specified property of a graphical object element and store its value in the target variable.

The following paragraphs list all fields and options of the function "get shape property" and explain how to use them.
In this drop-down list are all available graphical objects which can be selected.
Shape property
In this drop-down list are all shape properties which are available for the selected graphical object.
Target variable
In this table you can assign a value to its corresponding parameter of a shape's property by either selecting an already defined variable or entering a value manually. Most shape properties contain only one single available parameter. Some properties, however, contains more than one parameter. For example the shape property "size" has 2 parameters respectively "width" and "height".
For more information about the function "get shape property" please refer to the WinCC OA 3.11 online help by clicking on the push button "Help".
Click on the push button "Apply" and the property of a graphical object is get. This setting is then applied to the current function.
Click on the push button "Cancel" and setting is rejected. A new function can be then selected.