Advanced settings
This tab allows to define the driver behavior on connection establishment or for redundant connections.

Advanced configuration
Set invalid bit
Defines if the invalid bit shall be set as soon as the operation state is not "Connected". This is only relevant for PROFINET, since for PROFIsafe the invalid bit is always set if the PROFIsafe operation state is not "Running".
GQ on PLC connect
Defines if a general query is automatically triggered when the connection to the PLC is established. To ensure that the process image of WinCC OA and the CP1616 card is consistent, an inverse general query is always automatically triggered on connection establishment.
Enable statistics
Enables the statistical evaluation of data for this connection.
Intervals / Timeouts
Lifebeat timeout
The connection state is monitored via a lifebeat mechanism (keep-alive). This option allows to define after how many seconds the connection loss is detected.
Reconnect interval
Defines the intervals in which the driver tries to reestablish the connection after a connection loss.
Mode tag configuration
Mode tag
The mode tag is necessary for the WinCC OA redundancy. Via this tag, the driver reserves a byte for status messages to the PLC program and shows the IO controller (F-host) if the driver (F-device) is active or passive. The mode tag must be stated in the format <slot number>.<byte number>, e.g. 1.B7 (last byte of slot 1).
Following values are possible:
1: Single-System
2: Redu-Passive
3: Redu-Active