Module (Host 1)
This tab allows to define the transfer areas which were specified with the TIA Portal for the driver (i.e. the F-device, refer to TIA Portal hardware configuration.

You have to configure one slot for each transfer area defined in the TIA Portal. The
slot number corresponds to the number of the transfer area. Use the and
buttons to add new
slots at an arbitrary spot. The
buttons allow to delete one selected slot or all
of them. Changes to parameters can be confirmed via
Defines the direction (Input, Output, Bidirectional).
Corresponds to the length of the transfer area as defined in the TIA Portal configuration.
Defines the Safety Integrity Level (SIL). For a transfer area of type F-PS you have to use SIL 3. In case of PROFINET-only communication (for this slot) set the parameter to 0.
Corresponds to the F_Source_Add parameter as stated in the TIA Portal.
Corresponds to the F_Dest_Add-Parameter as stated in the TIA Portal.