Add an additional broker connection

The necessary configuration steps to add an additional broker to the project.

These steps must be taken to add an additional broker to your project.

  1. Add a new MQTT Publisher manager to your project and set the parameter -num with a new manager id, e.g. -num 2.
  2. Create a new internal data point for the MQTT manager.
    Example: _MqttPublisher_Second.
  3. Create a new data point group.
  4. Set the DPE alias of the internal data point _DpGroup.
    The DPE alias must be equal to the previously created data point group name.
  5. Add the data points that should use the MQTT publisher as for the first broker connection.
  6. Add the config entry connDp to the section [mqttpub_X], where X represents the manager ID selected in the first step. The config entry must be set to the internal data point name that has been created previously.
    connDp = "MqttPublisher_Second"
  7. Add the config entry mqttPubGroup to the section [mqttpub_X], where X represents the manager ID selected in the first step. The config entry must be set to the data point group name that has been created previously.
    mqttPubGroup = "MQTTPub_Second"
After following the steps above a new MQTT Publisher manager has been added to the project and it can be used to configure an additional broker to which the project should publish the selected data.