WinCC OA Commands


  - "_DatabaseVersion.Major:_original.._value"
  - "_DatabaseVersion.Minor:_original.._value"
  - "_DatabaseVersion.Sub:_original.._value"
fetch: onetime | always
transformation: v => v.join('.')
  • `DpGet` is used to retrieve data from specified Data Point elements (DPEs).
  • `dpId` specifies an array of Data Point IDs from which the data will be fetched.
  • `fetch` can be set to either `onetime` (fetch data once) or `always` (continuously fetch data).
  • `transformation` is a function to process and combine the fetched data. Here, it joins the fetched values into a single string, separated by periods.


name: versionFull
  • `globalVariable` is used to retrieve a global variable within the scope of the WinCC OA configuration
  • `name` specifies the identifier for this global variable. In this case, the variable is named `versionFull`.
  • This command is typically used to refer to a global value that can be accessed throughout context of the client.