Video Add-on

Interesting feature line-up

  • Stream Cloning: Only one stream from the camera necessary. This increases performance, as the same video material is re-used (e.g. regular stream recording is used for special alarm recording as well).
  • SVG Overlays: Allows you to display layered meta information without altering the video, e.g. updating camera information over existing, situation- and location dependent information or company branding/logos. SVG scripting is also possible (Tiny SVG restriction applies). Additional editor option comes with a later update.
  • Privacy Zones: Full color or blurring possible, exclude zones in the video material which fall under special privacy restrictions - Additional editor option comes with a later update.
  • PlaybackProxy: Functionality available since 3.19. Primarily used for network segmentation (does not include caching for clients) and easier configuration of firewalls. Also enhances security, as fewer ports must be opened on the client devices. Additional VideoManager support will be added with a later update.
  • Layout-dependent Bandwidth Management: Depending on the available stream display size, different stream resolutions can be used. Configuration of stream resolutions must be done in advance (e.g. Low/Middle/High). Automated selection of stream quality is possible. Other stream qualities are paused.