
The Label widget can be used to freely place text or pictures inside of your panels. The widget provides the option to style it using CSS as well as use display HTML content.

Specific Properties of the Widget

An overview over the Label specific properties can be found under Label Functions

To display a picture within the HTML content the src entry has to be used with the "pictures:fileName" syntax, e.g.

<html>08:00 - <img src='pictures:adjust_width.png'></img> - 10:00</html>

Events of the Widget

Event Widget Specific Behavior
Initialize -
Acknowledge -
DoubleClicked -
DragDrop -
DragEnter -
DragStart The event is only executed if the property "textInteractionFlags" have been set to "NoTextInteraction".
KeyboardFocusIn -
KeyboardFocusOut -
LangChanged -
MouseOver -
RightMousePressed -
clicked The event is only executed if the property "textInteractionFlags" have been set to "NoTextInteraction".
linkActivated Is only executed if the property "openExternalLinks" is set to "false".
linkHovered -