LCD number
The LCD number displays a number as LCD-type figures. Decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary numbers can be displayed. Numbers in almost any size can be displayed.
The range of numbers and decimal places can be set. If the display is set to hexadecimal, octal or binary, the integer equivalent of the value will be displayed. The value can be retrieved.
The following figures and symbols can be displayed:
0/O, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5/S, 6, 7, 8, 9/g, minus, decimal point, A, B, C, D, E, F, h, H, L, o, P, r, u, U, Y, colon, degree sign (which is specified as single quote in the string) and space.
Figure: LCD number
You can find the functions of the progress bar in Control/Control Graphics/LCD number functions.
To create aN LCD number
Click on the LCD number symbol
in the GEDI.
Click in the panel work area and specify the size.
Open the Property Sheet.
Enter the object name (Name).
On the "Standard" tab, set the properties such as color. On the "Extended" tab, specify the LCD number specific attributes such as "decimals", "intValue", "mode" and "numDigits" (see also Properties of complex graphics objects and Control/Control Graphics/LCD number functions).
A double-click on the LCD number in the panel during engineering opens the Initialize script.