
Adds a point to a polyline.


void addPointToPolyline(string strLayer, int iPolylineIndex, int iIndex, double dX, double dY);


Parameter Description
strLayer The Layer to which the point will be added.
iPolylineIndex The index of the polyline that was added to a layer. The return of the function "addPolylineToLayer".
iIndex The index refers to the points in the polyline and starts at 0.
dX The x coordinate. The coordinate should fit the coordinate system of the map being displayed.
dY The y coordinate. The coordinate should fit the coordinate system of the map being displayed.


Adds a point to a polyline.


You can add a polyline to the viewer and the points to the polyline as follows:

  int i;
  i = GisViewer_ewo1.addPolylineToLayer("EWO", "Helsinki", 4);
  GisViewer_ewo1.addPointToPolyline("EWO", i, 0, 25, 60);
  GisViewer_ewo1.addPointToPolyline("EWO", i, 1, 26, 61);
  GisViewer_ewo1.addPointToPolyline("EWO", i, 2, 24, 62);
  GisViewer_ewo1.addPointToPolyline("EWO", i, 3, 25, 60);

The code above will add a polyline above Helsinki, Finland.

The layer the polyline will be added to must be a layer that was added using the function "addEmptyLayer". The function addPolylineToLayer() is not supported on an existing 'normal' layer.


GIS Viewer