Common Name Service Control Functions
The following control functions are provided for an easier use of the Common Name Service feature in scripts.
Function | Description |
cns_changeNodeTypeName() | Changes the name of a node type |
cns_changeViewName() | Changes the name of a view |
cns_checkId() | Checks if the ID is valid |
cns_checkName() | Checks if the name is valid |
cns_checkSeparator() | Checks if the separator is valid |
cns_createNodeType() | Creates a new node type |
cns_createTreeOrNode() | Creates a tree or a node and adds it to a tree |
cns_createView() | Creates a new view |
cns_createViewDp() | Creates a data point for the given view |
cns_deleteNodeType() | Deletes the given node type |
cns_deleteTreeOrNode() | Deletes the given node or tree |
cns_deleteView() | Deletes the given view |
cns_deleteViewDp() | Deletes a data point linked to the given view |
cns_getNodeIcon() | Returns the path of the node icon |
cns_getNodeTypeDisplayName | Returns the display name of the given node type |
cns_getNodeTypeIcon() | Returns the path of the node type icon |
cns_getNodeTypes() | Returns all existing node types |
cns_getNodeTypeValue() | Returns the value of the given node type |
cns_getReadableViews() | Returns all views which are available for the given permission |
cns_getViewPermission() | Returns all permissions for the given view |
cns_isNode() | Allows to check if the given ID is a node |
cns_isTree() | Allows to check if the given ID is a tree |
cns_isView() | Allows to check if the given ID is a view |
cns_nodeExists() | Allows to check if the given node exists |
cns_setNodeIcon() | Sets an icon for the given node |
cns_setNodeTypeDisplayName() | Sets a multilingual display name for the node type |
cns_setNodeTypeIcon() | Sets an icon for the given node type |
cns_setNodeTypeValue | Sets the value of the given node type. |
cns_setViewPermission() | Sets the permission for the given view |
cns_treeExists() | Checks if the given tree exists |
cns_viewDpToName() | Returns the ID of the view which is linked to the given internal data point |
cns_viewExists() | Checks if the given view exists |
cns_viewNameToDpName() | Returns the name of the data point linked to the view |
cnsAddNode | Adds a new node to a tree or sub-tree |
cnsAddObserver | Registers the given function as CNS observer |
cnsAddTree | Allows to create a tree or sub-tree |
cnsChangeNodeData | Changes the data point (element) and type of the given node |
cnsChangeNodeDisplayNames | Changes the display name of the given node |
cnsChangeNodeName | Changes the ID of the given node |
cnsChangeTree | Replaces a tree or sub-tree with a new tree |
cnsChangeViewDisplayNames | Changes the display name of the given tree |
cnsChangeViewNames | Changes the ID of the given view |
cnsChangeViewSeparators | Changes the separators of the given view |
cnsCreateView | Allows to create a new view |
cnsDeleteTree | Allows to delete a tree, sub-tree or node |
cnsDeleteView | Allows to delete a view (with all its trees) |
cnsGetChildren | Returns the ID paths of all child element of a node |
cnsGetDisplayNames | Returns the display names of a node |
cnsGetDisplayPath | Returns the display name path of a node |
cnsGetId | Returns the linked data point and CNSDataIdentifierType of the given node. |
cnsGetIdSet | Returns the names of data points linked to the matching nodes |
cnsGetNodesByData | Looks for nodes that are linked to the given data point (element) |
cnsGetNodesByName | Looks for ID paths of nodes that match the given criteria |
cnsGetOPCAccessRight | Returns the OPC access right for the given node |
cnsGetParent | Returns the path of the parent node |
cnsGetProperty | Retrieves the key value from the property of the defined node. |
cnsGetPropertyKeys | Returns a list of all keys which are defined for the given node. |
cnsGetRoot | Returns the ID path of the root node of the tree which contains the given node |
cnsGetSystemNames | Returns the display names of the given system |
cnsGetTrees | Returns the ID paths of all trees of the given view |
cnsGetUserData | Returns the user data stored in a node. |
cnsGetViewDisplayNames | Returns the display names of the given view. |
cnsGetViews | Returns the paths of all views in the given system |
cnsGetViewSeparators | Returns the separators of the given view |
cnsRemoveObserver | De-registers the given observer function |
cnsRemoveProperty | Removes the key from the property of the given node. |
cnsSetProperty | Sets the property for the given node as a key/value pair |
cnsSetSystemNames | Changes the display name of the given system |
cnsSetUserData | Sets the user data in the given node |
cnsSubStr | Extracts parts of a CNS path |