Requirements for COM in WinCC OA
- Windows operating system.
- Correctly installed WinCC OA version.
Reference to WCCOACom 1.0 Type Library (located in <wincc_oa_path>/bin/WCCOAcom.dll). The "windows" folder will be created and
will be registered automatically only if you select the Excel Report add-on in the WinCC OA setup.The methods of the COM Manager are defined in the WinCC OA class library. The class library is located in the object library COMMANLib.
Refer to the COMMANLib (WCCOACom 1.0 Type Library) in the project to use the methods. For example, with the Visual Basic editor in Excel, the reference can be added via the menu item
dyn_dyn_float data;
for(int i = 1; i <= 20; i++)
for(int j = 1; j <= 20; j++)
data[i][j] = FunctionSin(i*0.314);
There are no special requirements regarding the central memory and fixed disk storage for the system.
The COM Manager is not a console application (this means that the manager cannot be added to the console like the other managers - see manager administration).
The methods of the class library WCCOACom 1.0 Type Library must be used for the manager (see the methods of the COM manager - ComManager Object, ProjAdmin-Object and ProjAdminAuto Object).