Register project
A project is registered via the Register project panel. The project is registered
automatically when a project is created or copied via the appropriate buttons of the
Project Administrator panel. Sub projects have to be registered before they can be
included in an existing project. When projects are registered project information like
project name, project directory, version and user are written to the
If projects are copied from another computer via copy and paste, a registration with the following panel is necessary to be able to start the project. When a WinCC OA manager is started the specified project already has to be registered (under Windows and under Linux). This is normally done by creating a project, copying a project or registering an existing project directory explicit, interactive via WinCC OA project administration. In some cases e.g. in a WinCC OA test environment it might be desired in the batch operation NOT to create and register projects interactive. For this purpose there are the options -autoreg and -autofreg. Via these options it is possible to register the project specified with the "-config" option before the actual manager start.
In doing so, consider the following:
- When specifying one of the options "-autoreg" or "-autofreg", then the "-config" option always has to be specified.
- The config file has to be specified as follows:
<project installation path>/config/config
- The last path component of the project installation path is interpreted as project
name e.g.
-config D:/proj/MyProj1/config/config project installation path:D:/proj/MyProj1 project name: MyProj1
- The config file already has to contain a valid WinCC OA path (PVSS_PATH).
- If the config file contains no proj_path or a proj_path that does not exist the proj_path is set to the project installation path.
- The project is always registered as "executable" project.
- The registration is permanent. This means it remains also after a manager is stopped.
- The -autoreg option does not register the project newly if a project with the specified project installation path is already available in the pvssInst.conf file.
- The -autofreg option deletes an existing registration under the specified project name and the project with the default settings is registered newly.

Choose a project directory via the Select project path window. The functionality of the Runnable check box was already described in the chapter Create project. If a project, which does not contain any .../db/wincc_oa/directory in its directory structure and no config file (.../config/config), is specified, the check box Runnable is automatically grayed out and not set. When the settings were set click on "OK" and the project is automatically registered.