
In the case of an embedded module, this attribute is used to specify the module name in which a panel opens. From version 3.5 up, Canvas ActiveX is replaced by Embedded Module.


setValue(string shape, "ModuleName", string Name);

getValue(string shape, "ModuleName", string Name);

shape.ModuleName(string Name);


Parameter Description
shape Name of the object
Name The name of the module


In the case of an embedded module, this attribute is used to specify the module name in which a panel opens.


The following example opens the panel manAuto.pnl in the embedded module "TestModule" with the title "Test".

main(bool enter)
  this.ModuleName = "TestModule";
Abbildung 1. A Panel opened in an Embedded Module
Abbildung 2. A Panel opened in the Zoom Navigator


Zoom Navigator, embedded module