A Tabelle is a rectangular display area for rows and colums of data.
Available functions | Description |
"acceptDrops" | Adjusts the width of a column for the widest entry to fit. |
"addSelectColumns" | Adds columns to the table selection. |
"addSelectLines" | Adds lines to the table selection. |
"adjustColumn" | Adjusts the width of a column for the widest entry to fit. |
"alternatingRowColors" | Allows to set alternating colors for the rows of a table. |
"appendLine" | Appends a line with or without values to a table. |
"appendLines" | Appends several lines with or without values to a table. |
"blankNonExistingRows" | Allows to define whether empty rows are visible or not. |
"cellBackCol" | Changes the background color for the active cell. |
"cellBackColRC" | Changes the background color for a cell in a given position. |
"cellEditableRC" | Gets / sets if a specific cell inside of the table can be edited. |
"cellFillRC" | Specifies the fill pattern for a table cell. |
"cellFontRC" | Sets the font for a table cell. |
"cellForeCol" | Changes the font color for the active cell. |
"cellForeColRC" | Changes the font color for a cell in a given position. |
"cellFormatRC" | Sets the text format of a specific row and column in a table. |
"cellGeometry" | Delivers the cell geometry. |
"cellToolTipRC" | Defines the tool tip text for a specific cell in a table. |
"cellValue" | Defines the content of the active cell. |
"cellValueRC" | Defines the content of a cell in a given position. |
"cellWidgetRC" | Adds a widget (push button or a combo box) to a table. |
"columnCount" | Returns the number of columns in a table. |
"columnEditable" | Sets a specific column of a table to editable or not editable. |
"columnFormat" | Sets the text format of a specific table column. |
"columnHeader" | Changes specific column labels in the table header. |
"columnHeaderAlignment" | |
"columnHeaderIcon" | |
"columnHeaderToolTip" | |
"columnHeaderVisibility" | Shows or hides the table header. |
"columnMovingEnabled" | Single columns of a table can be dragged by means of the mouse. |
"columnName" | Returns or sets a column name at runtime. |
"columnStretchable" | Allows you to adjust the width of a table column. |
"columnToName" | Returns the column name. |
"columnToolTipText" | Sets a tool tip text for the column of a table. |
"columnVisibility" | Shows or hides any column. |
"columnWidth" | Sets the width of a column in pixels. |
"currentCell" | Sets or reads the column number and row number for the active cell. |
"currentColumn" | Sets or reads the name of the active column. |
"deleteAllLines" | Deletes all rows of a table. |
"deleteColumn" | Deletes a table column. |
"deleteLine" | Deletes a row if certain conditions are met. |
"deleteLineN" | Deletes a specific row. |
"deleteLines" | Searches columns with key values and deletes these values. |
"deleteLinesN" | Deletes a defined number of rows, starting from an indexed row. |
"deleteSelection" | The selection made in the table is cleared. |
"enableColumnResize" | Enables or disables resizing of table column widths with the mouse. |
"enableRowResize" | Enables or disables resizing of table row heigths with the mouse. |
events | |
"exchangeColumnName" | Changes the column name at runtime. |
"exchangeColumns" | Swaps over two columns in the table. |
"filterRows" | The attribute "filterRows" shows or hides rows depending on the "show" argument if a pattern match in a column is found (see description below). |
"filterRowsIgnoreCase" | Shows or hides rows depending on the "show" argument if a pattern match is found. Ignores the pattern case, in contrast to"filterRows". |
"font" | |
"getColumnN" | Returns the content of a column. |
"getLineN" | Returns the values of a specific row in a table. |
"getSelectedColumns" | Returns the indices of the selected columns. |
"getSelectedLines" | Returns the indices of the selected rows. |
"gridColor" | Returns or sets the grid color of a table at runtime. |
"gridType" | The function "gridType" specifies whether a column, a row or grid lines of a table are shown or not. |
"hScrollBarMode" | The attribute "hScrollBarMode" sets the horizontal scroll bar mode of an object, for example, textEdit, tree widget or a table. |
"insertColumn" | Adds a column to a table. |
"insertLineN" | Inserts an empty row after a specified row. |
"isColumnVisible" | Verifies whether the active column is visible. |
"isHorizontalSliderPressed" | |
"isRowHidden" | The attribute "isRowHidden" returns TRUE if the specified row is hidden. |
"isVerticalSliderPressed" | |
"lineCount" | Returns the number of rows in a table. |
"lineHeight" | |
"lineNumbers" | Returns the line number of the rows that are stated inside the mapping keys. |
"lineParam" | The cell attributes in certain rows are changed depending on their contents. |
"lineRangeVisible" | Returns the upper and lower limits of the rows currently visible. |
"lineVisible" | Shifts the window focus to a specific row of a table. |
"namedColumnEditable" | Sets a specific column of a table to editable or not editable. |
"namedColumnHeader" | Changes the header text of a specific column in the table. |
"namedColumnToolTipText" | Sets a tool tip text for the column of a table to show above the name. |
"namedColumnVisibility" | Switches a specific column of a table to visible or invisible. |
"namedColumnWidth" | Sets the width of a named column. |
"nameToColumn" | Returns the index of a specific column. |
"removeSelectColumns" | Removes columns from the table selection. |
"removeSelectLines" | Removes lines from the table selection. |
"rowFontType" | Sets font types per line in a table. |
"rowHeader" | Adds the header to a table row. |
"rowHeaders" | Adds several row headers to a table. |
"rowHeaderToolTip" | Adds a tooltip to the header of a table row. |
"rowHeaderVisibility" | Shows or hides the row headers. |
"rowHeaderWidth" | Sets the width of row headers. |
"rowHeight" | Sets the height of a table row. |
"selectByClick" | Defines the selection mode of the table. |
"selectColors" | Sets the background and foreground colors for a selected cell in a table. |
"selectColumnN" | Marks a specific column in the table. |
"selectLineN" | Marks a specific row in the table. |
"setCurrentLine" | Sets the current line in the table, depending on its contents. |
"showRow", "hideRow" | The attribute "showRow" displays a row of a table. The attribute "hideRow" hides a row. |
"sort" | Sorts the table by columns. |
"sortDyn" | Sorts the table by columns passed in an array. |
"sortOnClick" | Controls table sorting when a table header is clicked on. |
"sortOrig" | Returns to a specific table sort order. |
"sortPart" | Sorts a specific section in the table. |
"sortUndo" | Discards the last sort. |
"stop" | |
"tableMode" | Changes the table mode. |
"updateLine" | Finds columns using key values and changes certain cell contents of a line. |
"updateLines" | Finds columns using key values and changes certain cell contents of multiple lines. |
"updateLinesThreshold" | "updateLinesThreshold" defines how many lines as a minimum there have to be in order to use another algorithm for the updateLines function. |
"updatesEnabled" | |
"vScrollBarMode" | The attribute "vScrollBarMode" sets the vertical scroll bar mode of an object e.g. of a textEdit, a tree widget or a table. |
"writeToFile" | Writes the table content to a file. |