Details zum S7Plus-Treiber
In diesem Kapitel werden Debugmöglichkeiten und Fehlercodes von OMS+ beschrieben.
Um mögliche Fehlerquellen bei einem laufenden Treiber zu erkennen, können die Kommandozeile-Optionen für die Fehlersuche verwendet werden. Verwenden Sie - helpdbg um mehr Information über alle anderen Optionen anzuzeigen (siehe auch Manageroptionen).
Debug Level | Beschreibung |
conn | Liefert detaillierte Informationen zur Verbindung |
sym | Liefert Informationen zum Browsen/Auflösen von symbolischen Adressen. |
subscr | Liefert Informationen zum Subscription-Handling. |
dirq | Liefert Informationen zur Performance von dpGetMaxAge-Aufrufen. |
tspp | Liefert zusätzliche Informationen zur Kommunikation via TSPP |
Die IOMS-Library bietet eine Reihe von Fehlercodes, die in der folgenden Tabelle angeführt sind. Die Fehlercodes können vom Treiber verwendet und an den WinCC OA Log Viewer übergeben werden.
Error Code | Error Message |
1 | IOMS library could not be loaded |
2 | Requested variable subscriptions count $1 is higher than available limit $2 |
3 | Requested subscription count $1 is higher than available limit $2. Max. attribute count is $3 |
4 | Pollgroup $1 failed to establish subscriptions and will use native polling until new reconnect instead |
5 | Ignoring poll request for Pollgroup $1 because last request did not finish yet |
6 | Different data types for address: $1 |
7 | Illegal transformation type $1 in address $2 |
8 | Subscription configuration inconsistent. Length of dyn var lists have to match. |
9 | Unsupported connection type $1 for connection $2 |
10 | IP address for S7+ PLC is empty for connection $1 |
11 | Redu IP address for S7+ PLC is empty for connection $1 |
12 | Login to PLC for $1 failed with error $2 |
13 | Add $1 command to $2 buffer failed, consider adapting config entry [$3], current value $4 |
14 | Active connection for $1 (condition $2) switches from $3 to $4 |
15 | Symbolic information changed during active connection. |
16 | Switch tag $1 cannot be resolved to HW address or is not of type Bool. Switch condition will therefore not work. |
17 | Query HWObject is null on index $1 |
18 | Query failed for address $1, could not be resolved by symbolic. Aborting read request. |
19 | Write failed for address $1, could not be resolved by symbolic. |
20 | Unsupported transformation type $1 for address $2 |
21 | Detected invalid Password for connection $1/$2 |
22 | Download subscription for $1 failed with error $2 |
23 | Download subscription for $1 failed with error $2. Normal polling will be used as fallback. |
24 | Unsupported TimeSyncMode $1 |
25 | GetBranch element requires 2 item for a valid browse query (Request ID, Start node [, HMI relevance filters]) |
26 | Browsing '$1' failed |
27 | Invalid TIA Portal export file - does not contain '$1' |
28 | Expected at least one Rack in a station, please check station $1 |
29 | Only expected exactly one PLC in a station, please check station $1 |
30 | Cannot get stations from TIA Portal export file |
31 | Cannot get TIA devices from TIA Portal export file |
32 | Cannot read TIA project name from TIA Portal export file |
33 | Skipping variable '$1' due to unhandled type |
34 | $1, $2, Execution of an OMS+ call has become asynchronous ($3) |
35 | $1, $2, The OMS+ service was ignored for various reasons ($3) |
36 | $1, $2, Incorrect password was used for legitimation ($3) |
37 | $1, $2, End of File reached ($3) |
38 | $1, $2, The used password was correct for legitimation level 2 ($3) |
39 | $1, $2, The used password was correct for legitimation level 3 ($3) |
40 | $1, $2, The used password was correct for legitimation level 1 ($3) |
41 | $1, $2, No free resources at the moment ($3) |
42 | $1, $2, Legitimation with the given password is currently disabled ($3) |
43 | $1, $2, End of blob reached ($3) |
44 | $1, $2, OMS+ has encountered a general error condition ($3) |
45 | $1, $2, The OMS+ Value has not the expected/pretended value type ($3) |
46 | $1, $2, At least one of the arguments has an unexpected value ($3) |
47 | $1, $2, There is not enough memory available to finish an OMS+ call ($3) |
48 | $1, $2, The addressed OMS+ object was not found ($3) |
49 | $1, $2, The addressed variable value cannot be delivered ($3) |
50 | $1, $2, The provided attribute identifier (AID) is invalid ($3) |
51 | $1, $2, Value out of range detected ($3) |
52 | $1, $2, OMS+ was not able to determine the root object of the object tree ($3) |
53 | $1, $2, Invalid association used ($3) |
54 | $1, $2, No valid callback interface found ($3) |
55 | $1, $2, Deletion is not allowed ($3) |
56 | $1, $2, Feature not implemented ($3) |
57 | $1, $2, Target PLC address is invalid ($3) |
58 | $1, $2, Service operation is not allowed currently (e.g. because a transaction is running) ($3) |
59 | $1, $2, Service is currently not available ($3) |
60 | $1, $2, Number of connections exceeds the allowed limit on the PLC ($3) |
61 | $1, $2, Number of arguments was not correct ($3) |
62 | $1, $2, One of the arguments has wrong value type ($3) |
63 | $1, $2, The worker thread is not running or did not accept the request (queue is full) ($3) |
64 | $1, $2, Service request was aborted ($3) |
65 | $1, $2, Error coming from an OMS+ state machine ($3) |
66 | $1, $2, OMS+ detected a null pointer ($3) |
67 | $1, $2, Version incompatibility detected ($3) |
68 | $1, $2, Error not coming from OMS+ ($3) |
69 | $1, $2, The integrity of the project is broken ($3) |
70 | $1, $2, The TypeInfo format is not supported ($3) |
71 | $1, $2, Unknown error code $3 ($4) |
72 | Cannot resolve symbolic address $1 |
73 | $1, $2, An unspecified error happened while streaming ($3) |
74 | Error occurred while writing to address $1 |
75 | Download alarm subscription for connection $1 failed with error $2 |
76 | $1, $2, The server did not response within the time specified on the client session ($3) |
77 | Detected invalid address format in $1 |
78 | $1, $2, The CRC value was incorrect for the accessed target ($3) |
79 | $1, $2, The value returned by an attribute read access was the default value for that attribute ($3) |
80 | $1, $2, More data needed to conclude the (parse) operation, but there is no more data available. ($3) |
81 | $1, $2, Execution would access buffer boundaries. ($3) |
82 | $1, $2, There was a typesafe access without a valid TypeInfo having been set for the OMS_TypeSafeBLOB. ($3) |
83 | $1, $2, There was an attempt to address a LID, that was not addressable. ($3) |