
Converts a file path into a operating system specific file format.


string makeNativePath(string path);


Parameter Description
path The path that is converted as a string constant. You can also use the predefined string constants. See chapter Predefined symbolical constants.

Return value

The converted path


Missing or wrong arguments


Converts a file path into a operating system specific file format (this means that slashes / in a file path are replaced via backslashes \.). The function is useful when file paths are passed to external modules that were not developed platform neutrally. The function does not check whether the path is valid. Note the naming convention for path specifications (see chapters Paths and Naming Convention/ Notation).


The function checks if the file path created via the function tmpnam() is the project path.

  string sTestPath = PROJ_PATH + "data";
  Specifies the project path and the data directory
  bool bIsPath = isProjPath(sTestPath);
  DebugN("Is this the proj Path", sTestPath, bIsPath);//e.g.
  sTestPath = WINCCOA_PATH + "data"; //The ínstallation path + the
  data directory
  bool bIsPath = isProjPath(sTestPath); //Passes the installation
  path + data directory
  DebugN("Is this the proj path", sTestPath, bIsPath);
  Checks if the path specified by the function tmpnam() is the
  project path
  sTestPath = tmpnam(); //the function tmpnam creates a temporary
  file name
  bool bIsPath = isProjPath(sTestPath);
The function checks if the path is the project path.
! The function does not check if the path exists
bool isProjPath(string path)
  string sNativeProjPath = makeNativePath(PROJ_PATH);
  string sNativeTestPath = makeNativePath(path);
  return ( strpos(sNativeTestPath, sNativeProjPath) == 0 );
  /* The function strpos searches the string sNativeProjPath in
  the string sNativeTestPath */

The function outputs:

WCCOAui2: ["Is this the proj Path"]["D:/WinCC_OA_Projects/WinCCOA_Project/data"][1]

WCCOAui2: ["Is this the proj Path"]["C:/Siemens/Automation/WinCC_OA/3.14/data"][0]


Miscellaneous functions
