Operators in CTRL

Arithmetic operators

The binary arithmetic operators are +, -, *, '/ and the modulus operator %, which returns the remainder after an integer division. The % operator cannot be used on float values. Only the + and - operators are allowed for time values.


time t1, t2;


t1 -= 3600
 // The value of t1 is decreased by one
 t2 += 1.003
 // The value of
                    t2 is increased by 1003 milliseconds

Increment and decrement operator

The increment operator is ++, placed either before or after the variable, and the decrement operator is a preceding or following --. These operators, which can only be used on variables, increase or decrease the variable value by one. If this type of operator is placed in front of a variable its value is increased (decreased) before it is used. If an increment (decrement) operator is placed after a variable then its value is only increased (decreased) after it has been used.




int a, b, d;

a = 3;

b = 5;


DebugN(d); //Result for ++b = 18, for b++ = 15

DebugN(b); //Result always = 6


Conditional operator

expr1 ? expr2 : expr3

Depending on expr1, either expr2 or expr3 is evaluated and returned as a result. This is similar to the control structures if ... else




int a = 3;

string answer;

answer = (a == 3) ? "a equals 3" : "a is not equal 3";



expr2 and expr3 must return a value of the same type, otherwise unexpected results can occur.

Relational and logical operators

The relational operators are >, >=, <, <=, ==, !=. The logical operators are && for logical AND and || for logical OR.

The ! character is the negations operator (NOT).

Bit-wise operators and shift operators

The bit-wise operators are & for bit-wise AND, | for bit-wise OR and ^ for an XOR operation (bit-wise exclusive OR).

The difference between XOR and normal OR is that the result of an XOR operation with 2 bits (both bits are 1) is 0. The result of normal OR | is 1.

a ^ b

a b Result


0 0 0

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 0

~ is the negations operator (NOT, bit complement).

The shift operators << and >> can be used to shift to left or right respectively all bits in the binary representation of the left-hand operand by that number of bit positions specified in the right-hand operand. Zeros are added to the end. The right-hand operand must be positive.


1 << 2 converts the binary expression 1 to the binary expression 100.

Note that if you assign values, which use the highest bit, to a bit32 variable you have to use the suffix 'u' (unsigned) or 'l' (log) , for example, bit32 b = 0x8FFFFFFFU;

If the highest bit of a variable is set and you want to execute the following operation:

bit32 Test;

Test = Test >> 16;

you can execute it as follows:



bit32 Test;






/* By adding a "u" (for unsigned) at Test = Test >>16u the 32bit word is moved by 16 bits to the right and the first 16 bits are filled with 0 (nulls) */

Assignment operators

In the expression

  1. i = i + 2

the variable on the left-hand side is repeated immediately at the beginning of the right-hand side. This can be written in a more compact form as

  1. i += 2

The operator += is an assignment operator. Other assignment operators are -=, *=, /= and %=. There are also assignment operators for bit-wise operators. Thus a = a& b could also be written as a &= b. The operators |= and ^= also exist. Shift assignment operators can be implemented with <<= and >>=.

Multiple assignments

A multiple assignment is not supported by CONTROL, e.g.:

RECTANGLE1.visible = RECTANGLE2.visible = RECTANGLE3.visible =

In this example only RECTANGLE3.visiblegets the value of thebVisiblevariable.RECTANGLE1.visibleandRECTANGLE2.visiblewill not be affected.

Please use the function setMultiValue() instead in order to assign a variable to any number of object attributes:



setMultiValue("RECTANGLE1", "visible", bVisible, "RECTANGLE2", "visible", bVisible, "RECTANGLE3", "visible", bVisible);
