
The main aspect of NGA redundancy is to avoid losing historical data due to single hardware or software failures.

WinCC OA can run in redundant mode where two WinCC OA servers (called "left" and "right" in the following context) are used and the failure of one of these systems is compensated by the other. One of the servers is always the "active" one, sending data to peripheral devices and handling user interfaces, the other server is the "passive" one, maintaining a copy of the state of the active server.

The main aspect of NGA redundancy is to avoid losing historical data due to single hardware or software failures. The implementation is intended to be able to cope with single failures, not multiple parallel ones (e.g. hard disk crash on both servers). Another aspect of NGA redundancy is to provide historical read access for remote user interfaces even if one redundant WinCC OA node or one database node is down (if the database is redundant and located on a separate server).

There is also a special mode for redundancy called "split mode", where both servers will be active and when ending split mode one of them is designed to stay active, the other one will be restarted, and a recovery is made (standard WinCC OA redundancy function when a server project is restarted). This option will (currently) not be supported by NextGen Archiver.

Each redundant server has an "error state" (also called "health state") which normally should be identical on both servers. If not, the server with the better "health" state will get active, possibly causing a "switchover" between active and passive server. If a server has stopped, it has to be synchronized at the next restart to have the same "state" (data point values, alert states etc.) as the currently running one. This is called recovery.

For using NextGen Archiver in a redundant system two different schemas – depending on the redundancy support of the used database(s) – are possible:

  1. If the database is not able to do redundancy on its own (e.g. the open source version of InfluxDB), the database must be running on both nodes, which are independent of each other (as far as the database is concerned).
  2. If the database is capable of redundant operation (i.e. PostgreSQL) then both redundant NGA instances can talk to a common database instance which will perform redundant operations (switchover, recovery) on its own.