
Key Description

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Driver Protocol Protocol standard / version Official protocol certification Included in Base License Package? Additional Licensing Requirements License Key (Code Meter) Operating System
Modbus/TCP Driver MODBUS TCP | MODBUS RTU/ASCII via TCP IEC 61158 - Modbus IO based Modbus Windows | Linux
Modbus/TCP Server MODBUS TCP IEC 61158 - Modbus - Modbus Server Windows | Linux
Ethernet/IP Driver Ethernet/IP IEC 61158 IO based EIP Windows | Linux
OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) (DA) OPC UA IEC 62541 IO based OPC UA Client Windows | Linux
OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) (AC) OPC UA IEC 62541 IO based OPC UA Client Windows | Linux
OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) (HA) OPC UA IEC 62541 IO based OPC UA Client Windows | Linux
OPC UA Server (DA) OPC UA IEC 62541 - OPC UA Server Windows | Linux
OPC UA Server (AC) OPC UA IEC 62541 - OPC UA Server Windows | Linux
OPC UA Server (HA) OPC UA IEC 62541 - OPC UA Server Windows | Linux
OPC Client (DA) OPC Data Access Data Access 1.0 | Data Access 2.05a IO based OPC Client Windows
OPC Alarms & Events Client OPC Alarm & Events (A&E) Version 1.10 of the OPC A&E Specification - OPC Client Windows
OPC HDA Client OPC Historical Data Access OPC HDA Spezifikation Version 1.20 - OPC Client Windows
OPC Server (DA) OPC Data Access Data Access 2.05a  - OPC Server Windows
OPC Alarms & Events Server OPC Alarm & Events (A&E) Version 1.10 of the OPC A&E Specification. - OPC Server Windows
OPC HDA Server OPC Historical Data Access OPC HDA Spezifikation Version 1.20 - OPC Server Windows
IEC 61850 Driver MMS over TCP/IP conform to IEC 61850-8-1:2011 IEC 61850-7-x, IEC 61850-8-x, IEC 61850-9-x; all Edition 2 IO based IEC61850 Windows | Linux
IEC 60870-5 Driver (101)  IEC 60870-5-101  IEC 60870-5-101 IO based IEC101 Windows | Linux
IEC 60870-5 Driver (104)  IEC 60870-5-104  IEC 60870-5-104 IO based IEC104 Windows | Linux
MQTT MQTT MQTT V3.1.1 IO based MQTT Client Windows | Linux
PROFIsafe Driver (PROFIsafe) PROFIsafe PROFIsafe V2.4 IO based PROFIsafe Windows | Linux
PROFIsafe Driver (PROFInet) PROFINET PROFINET CC-A (inkl. MRP) IO based PROFINET Windows | Linux
RK512 Driver RK512 - IO based RK512 Windows | Linux
S7 Driver S7 ISO-ON-TCP IO based S7 Windows | Linux
S7Plus Driver S7PLUS (OMS+) ISO_ON_TCP 8 Connections IO based | Number of connections S7+ Windows | Linux
S-Bus Driver SAIA S-Bus - IO based SAIA S-Bus Windows | Linux
SNMP Driver SNMP SNMP V1,V2,V3 IO based SNMP Windows | Linux
SNMP Live Agent SNMP SNMP V1,V2 - - Windows | Linux
SSI Driver SSI - IO based SSI Windows | Linux
TLS Gateway TLS (Technische Lieferbedingungen für Streckenstationen) TLS 2012 - TLS Gateway Windows | Linux
BACnet Driver BACnet ISO 16484-5 BACnet Objects Bacnet | BACnet Objects Windows | Linux
DNP3 Driver DNP3 IEEE Std 1815-2012 IO based DNP3 Windows | Linux
SINAUT Driver Sinaut ST7 Sinaut ST7 IO based SINAUT Windows | Linux
Cerberus Driver - - IO based Cerberus Windows