
Key Description

Applies to this component
Does not apply to this component
Not Available / Not applicable for this component
Driver Encrypted communication to periphery device Client Or Server / TCP or UDP Default Port Firewall Direction
Modbus/TCP Driver TCP 502 outbound
Modbus/TCP Server TCP Server 502 inbound
Ethernet/IP Driver TCP Client | UDP (Implicit Mode) 44818 | 2222 (Implicit Mode) outbound | inbound (Implicit Mode)
OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) (DA) TCP Client 4840 outbound
OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) (AC) TCP Client 4840 outbound
OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) (HA) TCP Client 4840 outbound
OPC UA Server (DA) TCP Server 4840 inbound
OPC UA Server (AC) TCP Server 4840 inbound
OPC UA Server (HA) TCP Server 4840 inbound
OPC Client (DA) COM(local) or DCOM(with Server/Client on different hosts - -
OPC Alarms & Events Client COM(local) or DCOM(with Server/Client on different hosts - -
OPC HDA Client COM(local) or DCOM(with Server/Client on different hosts - -
OPC Server COM(local) or DCOM(with Server/Client on different hosts - -
OPC Alarms & Events Server COM(local) or DCOM(with Server/Client on different hosts - -
OPC HDA Server COM(local) or DCOM(with Server/Client on different hosts - -
IEC 61850 Driver TCP Client 102 outbound
IEC 60870-5 Driver (101) Serial N/A N/A
IEC 60870-5 Driver (104) TCP 2404 outbound | inbound
MQTT TCP Client 1883 | 8883 outbound
RK512 Driver Serial N/A N/A
S7 Driver TCP Client 102 outbound
S7Plus Driver ✔ (TIA V17 or higher only) TCP Client 102 outbound
S-Bus Driver UDP 3002 outbound
SNMP UDP 161 | 162 (Traps) outbound | inbound (Traps)
SNMP (Live Agent) UDP 161 | 162 (Traps) outbound | inbound (Traps)
SSI Driver TCP Client | TCP Server 2073 outbound | inbound
TLS Gateway TCP Client | TCP Server 5000 outbound | inbound
BACnet Driver UDP 47808 outbound | inbound
DNP3 Driver TCP | Serial 20000 outbound
SINAUT Driver TCP Client 102 outbound
Cerberus Driver Serial N/A N/A