
Existing license options can be updated. To update a license, purchase an update by contacting ETM - see Contact Information. This chapter describes how to update an existing license.

  1. Open the license information panel via the WinCC OA console or Project Administration - see also chapter Overview .
  2. Open the Overview tab and select the container you want to update - see figure below.
    Note: The license that you want to update, must be activated.
    Figure 1. Load the license ticket
  3. Open the Operations tab and select the right ticket number from the Ticket number table.
  4. Select the license options you want to update from the Licenses table. A license can be updated, for example, when a development license is extended or the license version is upgraded etc. When a license update is available, the status of a license option is Auto Update.
  5. Click on the Update button. The license options are updated.
    Figure 2. Update License
    Figure 3. Updated License Options