
Defines the mode that is used for the trend area grid.


trendObj.areaGridMode(int area, string mode);

getValue(trendObj, "areaTouchRulerHideTimeout", int area, string &mode);

setValue(trendObj, "areaTouchRulerHideTimeout", int area, string mode);


Parameter Description
trendObj Trend for which the attributed should be get
area Area ID
mode Mode that should be used for the grid


The function allows to define the trend area grid mode. Following modes are available:

  • "NoGrid"
  • "GridAbove"
  • "GridBelow"

The default for the grid mode is the mode that has been globally set by using "showGrid" and "showBackgroundGrid". This attribute overrides the global settings. If the global settings are changed after setting the areaGridMode than the global settings are reapplied to all areas.

