
The function sets the viewing distance, for which the specified layer will be shown.


bool setLayerVisibleRange(int layerId, int minDistance, int maxDistance)


Parameter Description
layerId layer number
minDistance Minimum viewing distance where the layer should be visible
maxDistance Maxmimum viewing distance where the layer should be visible


This function is used define the viewing distance for which a specified layer of the Maps EWO will be displayed. If the current viewing distance is outside the layers visible range, the layer and all its polygons, lines and symbols are hidden.

Use minDistance = 0 and maxDistance = 0 to reset previously defined values.

The function returns false in case of an error, otherwise true.


Maps Widget

See also

addEmptyLayer(), clearLayer(), getLayerClickEnabled(), getLayerFromName(), getLayerName(), getLayers(), hideLayer(), isLayerVisible(), layerExists(), moveLayerToTop(), removeLayer(), setLayerClickEnabled(), showLayer()