DB Installation - InfluxDB® on a remote system

Note: For the installation of the InfluxDB®, see chapter DB Installation.

To install InfluxDB® on a remote system, follow these steps:


Replace "/" with "\" in the notes below when using Windows OS).

  • Select a directory for the InfluxDB® binaries on the remote PC.
  • Copy the following files from the WinCC OA installation directory ("bin" folder"): influx* (all files where the filename is starting with "influx") into the directory created in the step above.
    Note: Note that you need WinCC OA binaries for the same operating system you want to install the DB server on.
  • Copy the file "influxdb.conf" from the project directory ("config" folder) to your target directory on the remote PC (step 1).
  • Select a directory for the DB data on the remote PC.
  • Copy the DB data from the WinCC OA PC (project directory, copy structure below "data/db/wincc_oa/influx") to your directory selected in the step above.
    Note: Note that the DB should have been running on the same operating system type as the target system.
  • Edit the "influxdb.conf" file on the remote PC (see step 3 above):
    • Adjust the "dir" entry in the sections "[meta]" and "[data]" and the "wal-dir" entry in the "[data]" section to match the new directory names used on the remote PC (see step 4).
  • If SSL/https connection is used to access the new DB server:

    Note: To use encrypted communication, certificates (located in <winccoa installation dir>/config) are installed with WinCC OA (nga_influx.crt, nga_influx.key). For real facility projects you must create your own project-specific certificates. You can create the certificates by using the Panel for SSL Host Certificates. Select the type Certificate for the HTTP-server. See also the Certificate documentation - Certificates.
    • Copy the "nga_influx.crt" and "nga_influx.key" from the WinCC OA installation directory ("config" folder) or your project-specific certificates to a secure directory on the remote PC (must be accessible by the user running the InfluxDB®).
    • Adjust the directories in the "influxdb.conf" file (see step 6 above) under "https-certificate" and "https-private-key" ("[http]" section) to point to the files in the sub-step above. For more information refer to the chapter "Enabling encrypted communication with InfluxDB®".
  • (Optional) Enable the autostart for the InfluxDB® process on the remote PC by using the following command line:
    • <bin-path from step 1>/influxd -config <bin-path from step 1>/influxdb.conf
  • Start the InfluxDB® manually by using the command line as described in the step 8 above.
  • For the configuration of the backups the "bind-address" setting at the beginning of influxdb.conf must also be adjusted. This is described in the chapter nga_req_install_db_instal_influx.html#nga_req_install_db_instal_influx__bindAddress.