Advanced tab that allows to define advanced settings, like Root Topic, Intervals and Client ID.

Advanced configuration
- Auto IGQ
- Defines if an automatic inverse general query should be performed. This means that the publisher will publish all data if a connection to the broker is established.
- Root Topic
- The root topic that should be used for publishing to the MQTT broker.
- Enable statistics
- Enables the statistical evaluation of data for this connection.
- Persistent session
If the setting "Persistent Session" is enabled, the internal Client ID is composed of connection name and data point ID of the connection data point. If the setting is not enabled the internal client ID is generated uniquely or can be manually stated, see below. For more information on the Persistent session, see Persistent Session.
- Max. Topic Alias
Topic alias can be used to reduce network traffic, because the publisher uses an alias (number) instead of the usually much longer topic string for publish. This setting allows to define the maximum number of allowed topic aliases. By default no topic aliases are used.
Note: When using topic aliases with MQTT Version 5 the used broker must support 65535 maximum topic aliases, otherwise the connection will be unstable. If the broker does not support the usage of 65535 topic aliases it is recommended to disable topic aliases in general.
Intervals / timeouts
- Keep alive interval
- The driver recognizes a loss of connection after the defined keep alive timeout.
Client ID
- Identifier
- Optional Client ID that can be entered if it is required by the MQTT broker.