State Details

Details about the current state of the connection as well as general message statistics.

CNS view states

Status of the CNS views used for the MQTT Publisher. The status of the CNS views is only indicated if CNS views are used within the publisher configuration.

View name
Name of the view that is currently published.
Host 1 / 2

State for the selected view for Host1 as well as Host 2 in case of a redundant configuration.

Available states are:

State Description
0 Undefined
1 Connected + OK
2 View delta sync running
3 Full sync running
4 CNS view not found
5 Dist not connected
6 Dist not connected, view in address space


General message statictis for the MQTT Publisher connection(s).

Writes sent
Number of writes that were sent to the broker.
Writes rejected
Number of writes that were rejected by the broker.
Writes per second
Number of writes per second.