The "stretch"-property is only used in the charttypes Donut and DonutBars and defines a factor for the width of the rings in relation to each other.
void shape.setSeriesStretch(int series, int stretch)
Parameter | Description |
series | number of the series |
stretch | factor for the width of the rings |
The "stretch"-property is only used in the charttypes Donut and DonutBars and defines a factor for the width of the rings in relation to each other, e.g. 3 means 3 times as wide as the other ring which has factor 1.
In this example, the factor for the width of the rings in relation to each other is 3, therefor the series 0 is three times as wide as the series 1.
dyn_float one;
one[1] = 9;
one[2] = 11;
one[3] = 20;
one[4] = 2;
this.setSeriesFillColor(0, "{180,255,170}");
dyn_float two;
two[1] = 1;
two[2] = 14;
two[3] = 15;
this.setSeriesFillColor(1, "{52,225,255}");
this.setSeriesName(1, "Blue");
this.setSeriesName(0, "Green");
this.setSeriesStretch(0, 3);