
The following options are valid for PostgreSQL®.

There are following possible configuration keys:

  • db.database: Name of the database. This field is required.
  • db.sslMode : SSL connection mode. Possible values are "disable", "allow", "prefer", "re-quire", "verify-ca", "verify-full". The default value is "prefer". For detailed information, see the PostgreSQL® documentation.
  • backend.UpdateAllValuesAtStartup: choose how NGA updates alerts and events from project Raima/SQLite database:
    • None – do not update (default),
    • Auto – let NGA decide (currently using None),
    • All – update/fetch all values,
    • NewestOnly – update/fetch only values that are newer than latest value from the NGA segment.
      Note: NewestOnly: Depending on the size and type (especially for PostgreSQL®) of the historical database, this can significantly extend the NGA start-up time.
  • backend.suppressViewGeneration is an optional key. Possible values are true and false (default). If you set the key to true, no periodic (every 5 minutes) generation of DB views for alerts or events will be performed.
  • backupPath: The backup path where backed up files (segments of the database) are copied to. When empty the backup location for the PostgreSQL® is <project directory>/db/wincc_oa/backup/.
    Note: For safety reasons the backup files should be copied to a different location, possibly on a different disk or even computer, so this entry should be changed to another location.