Disk Buffering

CAUTION: The buffer file path must be either proj_dir/db/wincc_oa/nga or a directory outside of proj_dir/db/wincc_oa. Otherwise inconsistencies during the redundancy synchronization could occur.
Note: NGA delays the query of statistical functions until all necessary data present in buffer files is written to the database.
Figure 1. Buffer Files Location and File Prefix
  • Read Buffer Blocks after restart: This setting indicates if at startup of the NGA existing buffer files (from the last session) should be processed or not.
  • Buffer files location: Directory for saving disk buffers. Default location (when empty) is <projdir>/db/wincc_oa/nga. Absolute and relative (to <projdir>/db/wincc_oa) paths can be specified.
  • Buffer Files Prefix: As buffer file names are just numbers which increase over time, each backend has to have a specific prefix when storing all buffers in the same directory to avoid identical filenames across backends.