Buffering Parameters

Figure 1. Buffering Parameters

The buffering parameters section is used to specify backend buffering parameters.

Save Blocks to: You can select where to save the data blocks and after how many milliseconds the blocks are buffered.

You can select to save the blocks:

  • Don't save blocks: the blocks are not saved.
  • Only to memory: fast but data is lost when the process is stopped. Memory Buffering: Configures how many blocks are held in memory. If this number is reached, the oldest block is deleted (when Save blocks to is set to Memory only) or saved on disk (when Save blocks to is set to Memory and disk).
  • Memory and disk: the safest option, the newer buffered data is kept in memory and the older data is saved on disk.
  • Only to disk: a safer but slower option.
Figure 2. Block saving options

Buffer after [msec] If a block cannot be written into the database within the specified time, it is buffered OR

Number of Blocks: blocks are buffered after the specified number of data blocks were created.